Marketing agencies in Dallas and throughout the Metroplex know your company’s online presence is so much more than content. However, a robust blog is still the best way to boost SEO, build credibility and maintain communication with your customers.

Blog tips from marketing agencies in Dallas and Fort Worth

Writing blog posts that are timely can help you connect with trending topics and increase post engagement, but having a few evergreen posts that can pinch-hit at a moment’s notice is always a good idea.

Take time this week to write these 15 blog posts and park them on your site for quick publishing when your schedule or writer’s block prevent you from creating the content your site needs. Rewrite the titles to better engage your audience and keep your blog style consistent, and update external source links and keywords to match current topics and search terms.

Experience Sharing and Tips

These blog posts speak to your expertise in your field and can help boost your company’s credibility. Allow for some personal insight in these posts to open and window into your human side and give customers a reason to trust you.

Experienced marketing agencies in Dallas understand that client credibility is always a focus when creating online content, so it’s likely any agency will recommend topics like these. Giving away a bit of expertise builds trust, which in turn builds relationships and customer loyalty. Try these out:

  • 10 lessons learned from my biggest mistake
  • 5 things you’re not doing (but should be)
  • 5 things you’re doing wrong
  • How I became a [insert expertise here]
  • A day in the life of a [your title here]

Industry Thought Leadership

These blog posts can speak to your experience and expertise on a peer-to-peer level. Expect your competition to read these posts and write them accordingly. If your tone is confident and your findings sound, you’ll impress prospects and competitors alike.

  • Industry article review (recent)
  • 5 books to add to your reading list
  • Profile of an industry thought leader
  • 10 industry trends that will shape the next decade
  • The top 5 ways [industry] changed in [year] – great year-end wrap up piece.

Customer base

Your customers will enjoy feeling like part of a special club when they read about how similar their experiences are to your other clients. Give them a sense of connection with these topics that are meant to send the message: you are not alone.

  • 20 things our customers are saying (survey results)
  • Unique ways [company] customers are [solving a specific problem]
  • Customer case study
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Giving our customers what they want – new product/service announcement.

Remember to wrap up each blog post with a strong call to action that highlights how your company can solve a problem or provide a service you’ve outlined in your post. Include a few links to your other blog posts and pages within your site to improve SEO, and promote your posts to clients and prospects.

No time to create content for a rainy day? Marketing agencies in Dallas like Cowtown Creative can produce volumes of SEO-rich content for your website. You can usually find agencies that offer one-time bulk writing packages or, for more current keyword inclusion to boost search rankings, select a monthly blog package. Contact us to learn more about options we can customize for your industry and website.

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